Sunday, August 15, 2010

The 5 Golden Rules of Caring For a Green Iguana

Golden rules is a name we give to special rules that you should always remember and never forget. When it comes to caring for a green iguana, these rules are extremely important and useful guideposts to help you keep on course and going in the right direction. Your ultimate goal, of course, is to have a happy and healthy pet iguana.

Here are the 5 Golden Rules to properly take care of a green iguana.

Golden Rule # 1, Maintain the proper cage temperature. The reason for this is iguanas can't stay healthy if their habitat temperature isn't correct. If they get too cool, they can't digest their food, and can slowly starve to death. Remember, always maintain the proper temperature as part of your iguana's habitat.

Golden Rule # 2, Keep up the proper humidity. This can is also very important, because iguanas come from hot, humid climates and need a high humidity to avoid dehydration. Be sure and remember that while iguanas don't always drink a lot of water, they do like having a tub or pool of water they can soak in.

Golden Rule # 3, Feed your iguana the appropriate diet.. There's good reasons you'll want to do this. Among them is that even though your iguana may be eating lots of food, if it's not the best food, they could still die of malnutrition - the #1 source of death in pet iguanas.

Golden Rule # 4, Give your iguana lots of space. They must have room to maneuver, stretch out and climb, so make certain that the habitat you have is large enough for your iguana.. You can accomplish this by building an outdoor habitat if you reside in a warmer climate, or giving it a spare room or garage in your house. Also, let your iguana out of its cage to roam around your house. They love to stretch their legs, too.

Golden Rule # 5, Make sure your iguana receives enough Ultra violet rays. Ways to achieve this step include allowing it to sit outside on a sunny days and by attaching UV lights to the cage.. You'll want to do this carefully. It is a matter of life and death for your iguana. Without the proper Ultra violet rays, they can't process calcium and can end up with bone disease.

Rely on these Golden Rules to properly take care of your pet green iguana. Follow them and you'll ultimately find that you have much more success raising a happy and healthy green iguana.

Discover even more ways to keep your iguana healthy and happy by going to our iguana as pet web site at

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